Monday, April 18, 2011

"Dog" - Tired Morning

My "Owner" had a rough night and came home in the morning "dog"-tired. He told me about a Jack Russell Terrier he met on a medical run the night before, and about how she would have made a great playmate for me.... Then he fell asleep, right next to me...Or, did I fall asleep right next to him.....? My other "owner thought I looked so cute laying there that she took my picture... (she does that a lot!) I think she goofed though, she accidentally got both of us in the picture.... maybe we can edit him out later?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Quality Control of the Grilling Process.

I'm a professional Barbecue Helper, and I take my duties seriously. You can tell because I'm laying out here in the freezing cold so I can taste..., I mean maintain proper "quality control" over the Grilling process. My "Owner" would be lost without my help.

What are the Blankets for you ask? Well, my little feet get cold on these brick pavers in December and I don't have much fur, being a Jack Russell Terrier so my "Owner", wanting to keep his valuable quality control asset nearby does his best to make me comfortable.... He's alright!

I still get a little cold out there in the frigid temperatures.... Grillside Quality Control in the Winter is a frigid task... So after I came in I did a little doggie-bed burrowing to get my core temperature back up to something approaching normal.

After Dinner it's time to get down to some serious Puppy-Pile style napping on the couch..... These Poncho-Liner thingies are great.... I recommend every dog have a few in the house to snuggle on.... :--o)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Training for Alaskan Salmon Fishing

My "owner" had Discovery channel on a while ago, and I saw these Grizzly Bears snatching big red Salmon out of the river with their bare (bear?) claws. I Love Salmon so I've been practicing my salmon snatching technique. I'm hoping to take a little trip to Alaska to give this a try for real! If a stupid Bear can snatch Salmon a REAL smart Jack Russell Terrier like me should have no problem. I'll be eating fresh fish in no-time and I won't have to stand next to the grill when my "Owner" is cooking to get scraps! Check out my little practice video.....

I know what you're thinking.... Look at that form, look at that speed. That's "super-human" paw and jaw action. You're thinking we sped up the video, but we didn't. So, when you thought my speed was "super-human" you were right.... and that's because I'm an exceptional Jack Russell Terrier! Hey, does anybody know how big a spawning Salmon is anyway? I need to know if I should bring a doggy bag for the left-overs.

Monday, December 28, 2009

My "Owners" went to some relatives house for Christmas eve. I couldn't go because there were too many little kids running around there, and I could have been stepped on. (At least that's the story I got.)

I guess, looking at this picture, they were right. I'd have been dodging little running feet all night.

So Here I am at MY Christmas. My two little Cousins came over with their "Owners" to watch me open my presents. They even brought a camera to take pictures of me. Here I am chewin' on a Rawhide while Madeline and Emma open a bunch of presents for me. (I lack opposing thumbs so it's not so easy for me to do it.) Well, needless to say, I'm not going to have much fun with Can Do Roo, and a Barbie Sports Car, so I decided to let Maddie and Emma take them home.

Now this really irked me....haha...I said "irked"...I don't even know what that means..... :--p. Emma gets this colorful chewy toy, and didn't even share it with me, even after I gave her all my other presents.... Sometimes there's just no Jack Russell Terrier Justice.
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Monday, December 7, 2009

An Apology, Sort of.....

I now realize that I may have a bit of an image problem (see post below). What was I thinking.... standing on Puggles to see out the window....when a camera was in the room. Anyway, I think a little damage-control is in order. I thought I'd pay a little homage to those who came before me in an effort to make you all think that I'm more caring than I actually am....Did I say that out-loud?
This is Buster, My "owner's" Boston Terrier who passed away 5 or so years ago. I never met him, but I hear a lot of good things about him.... I hear "he was a good dog", and "He fit in the palm" of my "Owner's" hand when they got him, and that he had a lot of energy all the time. (I think he would have liked playing with me.)

This is Lucky. My "owner's" Miniature Schnauzer. (Lucky is the one on the right.) I hear she wasn't always so miniature, (I've actually seen pictures.) but I understand it wasn't her fault....she had a "glandular" really....she had Diabetes and became rather large before the problem was identified. Anyway, I knew Lucky for a while before she "went away", and we got along just fine, as long as I didn't get too close to my Mommy...I mean my "Owner". Lucky is what we dogs call... "Protective".

This is "Pretty Honda", but my owners just called her Honda. Here she is with Buster.... they look like twins. She was a racing Greyhound that my "Owners" took care of for a while. I hear she could run even faster than I can... over 40 Miles per hour... (What is that in dog language?) Anyway, I think if you scale it down to my size, I'm WAAAYYYYY faster.

Of course you all know Puggles (Puggsley), but he came after I did, so I won't spend too much time on him right now..... 'cause it's all about ME!
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Allegations of Unthoughtfullness.....

In the past, I've been accused, by some, of being a little selfish, self-centered, and unthoughtful of others ... "but in a good way" whatever that means. Personally I think these allegations are totally unfounded, and utterly lacking in substance.... I am a dog after all, "Man's best friend," full of all kinds of "unconditional love", you know all the cliche's...

Hold on a minute, ....what's going on out there...... I have to get a better look out the window..... Will you PLEASE hold still and stop whining Puggles?
What?...... I said "Please," didn't I?

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Pony Displacement.

OK, I have a question for you all. Look at ME here on MY brand-new-rebuilt just-for-me rocking horse with brand new genuine fake fur ears, mane, saddle, and tail. I was hearing people say "Oh, look at Bella on the Pony, isn't she cute?" (That's not my question) Don't I look great on MY new rocking horse? (That was my question)..... but wait, there's more.....Scroll down and watch how this works.....
Here I am, ALONE on MY own personal rocking horse.....
But wait, one of my "Owners" wants to just "show" Little Emma Grace, (who doesn't even have the balance to sit up yet,) MY new Rocking Horse. Harmless enough I thought.....

Next thing I know...I'm off, and Emma's perched on MY pony, and the camera's just snapping away...."Oh isn't she cute." I keep hearing......and "Oh look at her smile."... "Oh, isn't she precious"...and on, and on, and on.....
Before you know it Emma AND Maddie are on my pony and they're having a great time....Tell me though....what's missing from THIS picture?....yep.....I am.... I guess I'll just have to play with it after they leave..... I hope my "owners" still have the camera out.....

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Monday, September 28, 2009

My OVERshadowing shadow

Wow, remember what I said about my shadow in my last post? Sometimes it's good to know I have a fierce Jack Russell were-wolf shadow with me when I need back-up. Other times though my "shadow" can become a little over protective, and ..... dare I say......OVERSHADOWING.

It's hard to find dogs to play with when it does this sort of thing. It's even harder to find people to pet me and play with me when my shadow-thing gets like this. I guess we have to be careful about what we ask for....we just might get it. (My "Owner" says that about people who want more growwwlerment in their lives all the time....or is it government he says that about?)
Anybody want to play?......I didn't think so.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Me and my shadow, Howwwwlllllll !!!!

Be honest now..... This is one ferocious looking shadow isn't it?....It follows me everywhere I go. So I know I always have back-up, ....
Jack-Russell Were-Wolf type back-up. Many of you underestimate me because of my size, that's a mistake most people, or dogs don't make twice! The best thing is, my "little friend" gets way bigger than me early AND late in the day...way more ferocious too. Yep my trusty back-up is always with, unless I'm in the house... or in the shade... or out at night....hmmm. I may have to think this through a little more thoroughly. Until then, you should be appropriately frightened and intimidated by my little mysterious and dark friend here, because If I need him I'll make sure I'm in the bright sun .....early in the morning, or late in the afternoon. Howwwwwwwl l l l l !!!!!
Hey, that shadow to the right of me....does that even look like a dog-shadow? There's something odd about Mr. P (Puggsly), it's almost like his shadow isn't even his.....spooky.

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

The President Says it like it is

Kanye West at MTV VMAImage by Photo Giddy via Flickr

Sheesh, there's been a lot of weird stuff going on here. (CLICK HERE if you want to see the video==>) First this rapper guy (Kanye West) gets up on stage and "dogs" out this little girl (Taylor Swift) who's winning an award (and who happens to be taller than him.) We dogs call this flea-bitten or low-rent.

I heard my owner say Mr. West's "filter" was off swimming in Hennessey. Like I was in my last post, except I was swimming in water which is good 'cause it keeps me from saying stupid stuff. Anyway, my owner also said something about him compensating because he's "altitudinally" challenged.

Then our President, Barkbark Obama (who's definitely NOT "altitudinally"
challenged 'cause I know I'd have to look "up" to him).... comes out and calls it like he sees it.... (even if he didn't want us dogs to see what he said), still, how very refreshing.EGYPT-US-DIPLOMACY-OBAMA-SPEECH
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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Swimming at Orion Oaks Bark Park

Here I am at the Orion Oaks Bark Park again. I took my "Owners" over to the "Doggie Dock" so I could go for a swim. Here's my "Owner" being if I can't get out myself. Below, you can see my "Owner" walking me while I'm wearing my Super-Secret CIA brand, Invisible-dog- Halloween costume ... (Click picture to enlarge). You should have seen the looks on people's faces..... The Bark Park is always so much fun.

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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Bridget's Hair look-a-like

Remember when I said Bridget reminds me of my Poodle - friend Fifi?.......well now that I know Bridget better I'm seeing more and more Bridget hair Look-a-likes. For instance here's Bridget dipping Candles at Greenfield Village in Dearborn, MI.

You be the Judge.
Hey, I'm Just sayin'..........

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Monday, July 27, 2009

RIP Moose

My "Owners" will tell you I'm their first Jack Russell Terrier, but I found this picture that shows they've had brushes with other Famous Jack Russell Terriers. This is my "Owner's" son...I like to call him my "Brother"....and here you see him posing with Moose. You all may know him as Eddie from the "Frasier" TV Show.
Can you see the resemblance? (Me and Moose, not the Humans, silly...)
Unfortunately, I understand Uncle Moose passed away about three years ago, so I never met him, but I can see a lot of myself in him. I guess my owners have always been Jack Russell Lovers, and now they have ME to shower all of their attentions on. I'm such a Lucky, Lovable, Little, Dog....I mean I'm a Lovable, Little Dog with Lucky Owners...... Wow...that was a crazy typo.....what was I thinking? I should have "Calibrated" my words differently I guess.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

We have a visitor......

Hi folks. We've had company for the past few weeks and Somebody has been using a bunch of MY computer time. Anyway, this is Bridget, and she's my "Owner's" great Niece. She's been staying with me and my "owners" for a while. She's really nice and really funny except when she shrieks like an ear piercing air horn.
At first I thought I knew her from somewhere, but then I realized she just looks familiar because her hair makes her look a lot like my French Poodle friend Fifi below (the one with the red sweater).

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Friday, June 26, 2009

Dancing with the Stars

Dancing with the Stars (U.S.Image via Wikipedia

Well, there's a new season of Dancing With the Stars coming up in September, and I have it on good authority that I'm in consideration for a part in the show. I know I'll be a real contender because of my innate physical abilities, my grace, and my loveability.

Hmmm that was just a little awkward on the turn....Lets try that again.....

The furry toy we're using is just for practice and it helps to synchronize us (pronounced siŋ-krə-ˌnīz), That's doggie lingo for keeping in step. Have you ever seen such beauty in motion? OK, I think we're ready to try it without the furry toy......

AhhhhhThat's better..... Nice and smooth......

I know Carrie Ann, and Bruno will just LOVE my style, and my sleek lines, and Len can be tough, but he's fair so I know I'll get good marks from him too.

Look at the grace, see the elegant bend of my leg. I'm a natural... Start getting your dialing finger in shape so you can vote for me on the show.

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

What "really" happened at the Bark Park in South Lyon, MI

First, I'd like to say that I appreciate the comments. Well, this is really a funny story. I was clowning around with Charlotte here at the Bark Park in South Lyon, MI all afternoon. Charlotte's a nice dog....I love her to death, (but in a nice way). Anyway Charlotte was walking around with hiccups all day and she said they would go away on their own, even though I told her right off that I could cure her of those hiccups. zqkf9yeag4
Of course she didn't believe me. So I hung out with her all day and then when she wasn't expecting it...... I bared my teeth and made a ferocious face. Then I barked and shrieked as loud as I a Jack-Russell Were-Wolf, and scared the hiccups right out of poor Charlotte. I think you can see them in the grass if you look hard enough..... Unfortunately I think I scared Charlotte too....look at her eyes. :-b ....... Charlotte was grateful her hiccups were gone, but I think she wanted to bite me too.......
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